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Teen Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine Abuse Overview

Teen Cocaine AbuseCocaine is one of the most dangerous and unfortunately one of the most common teen drug abuses in the country. In fact health surveys show that cocaine is one of the major reasons that results in emergency department visits. However, this drug is not new in the world of illicit and abused drugs and is often referred to as the ‘caviar’ and ‘champagne’ of recreational drugs. Statistics show that in 2012, over 1.7 million people in the country over the age of 12 accepted that they took cocaine in the past month as well as around 1 million people suffered from cocaine abuse or dependent.

Cocaine Abuse Risk Factors

Studies show that there is no one particular cause of cocaine addiction and it is usually seen that can happen from a combination of risk factors of the environment and genetic background. It is often seen that an individual whose close family member had suffered from a cocaine addiction problem are more susceptible to the development of cocaine abuse problem.

  • The social risk factors include peer pressure, low socio-economic status, ease with which the drug is available as well as low levels of education that can cause an addiction or abuse of cocaine
  • Family risk factors for the abuse of cocaine include poor family relations and communication, poor parental supervision as well as harsh or inconsistent discipline
  • Individual risk factors that can cause abuse of cocaine are male gender, late adolescent age; women are usually more prone to seek treatment for this problem than men. It is also seen that people who have suffered from physical or sexual abuse as a child, childhood aggression or other behavior problems often turn to cocaine as a means to get away from your problem

Treatment for Cocaine Abuse for Teens

Cocaine is a dangerous drug that can destroy the life of your teenager and that is why drug abuse treatment for this problem is very necessary. There are a lot of teen drug rehab programs for teen that help them to get over their problem with substance abuse. These rehab treatment programs for teens offer a lot of innovative approaches that completely focus on the emotional, physical as well as spiritual needs of teens as well as families.

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