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Setting a Good Example

Teen Addiction Info

Setting a good example

Drug addiction and drug abuse can have a majorly adverse affect on your teen’s life and can destroy your family completely. The teens who use drugs or alcohol for recreational purposes put their safety and health at a risk. In fact studies show that a majority of emergency room visits of teenagers is usually the result of alcohol and drug abuse and includes suicide attempts, car crashes, physical violence and sexual attack cases as well as overdose cases.

There are various factors that work as leading causes of drug abuse and they include:

  • Presence of mental or behavioral health disorder like depression and anxiety
  • Family history of drug abuse
  • Victim of physical or sexual abuse in an early age
  • Poor social coping skills and a low self esteem
  • Relationship with friends who abuse drugs
  • Lack of a loving and normal relationship with friends

How to Set a Good Example

Children learn a lot from their parents and from a very early age parents play the role of role models for the kids. This is why it is important that you set a good example for them. Keep a healthy family environment for your kid where he can discuss his problems with you easily; moreover abstain from drinking or using even prescription drugs when your kids are present.

How to Treat my Addicted Teen

Certain pointers can guide you in helping your addicted teen:

  • I am willing to listen to my child without judging him
  • I will not yell, lecture or nag my child
  • I am not going to hide my child’s problem from my family because I know I will need all the help I can get
  • I will spent a lot of time with my teen every week
  • I will sit and enforce strict boundaries about drug/alcohol usage around my family

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